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4 Reasons Why You Should Be Flossing Every Day

June 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — aguilardental @ 4:51 pm
Woman flossing

Ever since you were a kid, you have been told that you need to floss every day in order to keep your oral health in optimal shape, but too many people still only resort to flossing when they have a stubborn piece of food between their teeth or a couple days before their dental visits. There are several different reasons why you should be taking the time to floss every day. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about why flossing is important.

Removing Plaque

Plaque is a sticky, soft substance that builds up on the surface of your teeth. In order to remove this, it is necessary for you to brush and floss. When you don’t, it will harden into tartar which can buildup along the gumline and result in tooth decay and gum disease. While it is impossible to avoid plaque all together, you can significantly limit it by keeping up an excellent oral hygiene routine. This way, it won’t cause you any issues in the future.

Keeps Your Teeth White

If you’re like most people, you don’t want your pearly whites to be anything other than white. But when you have buildups of plaque and tartar between the teeth, this can cause them to appear more yellowed. For people who want to use teeth whitening treatments, they work much more affectively on teeth that are free of plaque. If you still have some of this sticky substance between your teeth, you will not be getting the results you’re looking for. By flossing, you can allow the whitening agent to make more contact with different surfaces of your teeth. In the end, you will have a more uniform, brighter smile!

Prevents Gum Disease

When you don’t take the time to remove plaque from the gumline, you can eventually experience some severe oral health issues. When plaque turns to tartar, it will irritate your gum tissue and lead to gingivitis. This means inflammation, irritation, and bleeding during or after brushing. Fortunately, gingivitis is usually reversible. It is when it progresses to periodontitis that you are in real trouble. This infection can cause gum recession, loose teeth, tooth loss, and bone loss!

Fresher Breath

You don’t want to be that guy with the foul-smelling breath, but you will be if you aren’t removing food debris and plaque from between your teeth with dental floss. The bacteria in your mouth will continue to linger and multiply. In addition to gum disease and decay, you can expect halitosis.

Flossing is an important step for your oral hygiene. Be sure to keep a container of dental floss by your sink so you can use it before bedtime. This way, you can prevent dental problems down the road and show off a healthy smile!

About the Author

Dr. Jonathan Aguilar earned his dental doctorate from the Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistry. He has works in all sorts of dental settings, including the corporate world, a non-profit public health clinic, and private dental offices. To learn more about preventing oral health issues or to schedule an appointment at his office in Denton, visit his website or call (940) 566-5332.

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